So this is my big move. I’ve been looking at all sorts of locations for my new home, and I’ve decided to just make a break for it and go back to basics.
I’m not being hosted on a social network or community forum. This is all me (albeit with a nice-looking website template), hosted on a private virtual server that I own. Heck, I’m not even using a dynamic web application. This is all static HTML, complied using Jekyll. So no SQL injections and XSS attacks to worry about - it’s like a grown up (but extremely geeky) Geocities site.
To be honest I was hoping to launch the new site with some new content, but I am overwhelmed with work at the moment while also busy backing up a lot of my favorite source blogs on Tumblr.
I just needed to bite the bullet and release this blog as it is.
I hope you all enjoy the new home and feel free to contact me with any feedback. I’m whatizit at the forums at and I’ve still keeping my Tumblr account alive for any asks or messages.
I do have some ideas for new content, so keep an eye on this site.