Aunt Julia didn’t think twice of letting her nephew stay in the room with her old magic mirror. After all, it was completely harmless - stuck in a loop where it came up with the exact same answer no matter if it was true or not.
Unfortunately for her, Peter was a geek and just loved to troubleshoot broken things. And it turned out that Aunt Julia had completely misunderstood the problem…
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who has the most hunkiest muscles of all?”
“You do, Peter.”
“Fuck!” screamed Peter as his puny bones crackled into thick clubs and his flabby flesh hardened into meaty, manly muscle.
He lay on the ground panting for a few minutes, admiring his new warrior body and feeling a growing buzz of excitement in him.
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who has the largest cock of all?” he ventured, hopefully.
“You do, Peter.”
Peter grinned as his shorts slowly bulged out into the realms of public obscenity laws.
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s got the manliest lantern jaw of all?”
“You do, Peter.”
“Fuck, yeah!” he growled, admiring his new, carved-out-of-marble profile in the mirror.
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who gets to score with any fucking person he wants and they all damn love getting brutally fucked by him… err… of all?”
“You do, Peter.”
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who has a dickwad older brother who just loves blowing his younger brother’s pornstar cock, of all?”
“You do, Peter.”
Yeah, it was going to be one long afternoon of sadistic but geeky revenge.
“Mirror, Mirror,” he continued…